Solving tomorrow’s problems starts today. 在你的教育和职业生涯中建立创新和创造性解决问题的能力.

Trinity Entrepreneurship is:

  1. A WAY OF THINKING that involves critical analysis, creative problem solving, knowledge, imagination, flexibility, risk taking, innovating and persistence.
  2. A WAY OF USING KNOWLEDGE and theory to address real-world problems.
  3. A PRACTICAL PURSUIT 这将创新转化为可持续发展的企业.
  4. A FORCE MULTIPLIER 对于文科来说,给学生一个独特的优势.

Students can learn any or all of these!

Learn How to Turn Ideas into Action

Trinity’s forward-looking curriculum 是为了大胆地将文科与课外课程结合起来, 体验式学习为学生的未来做准备. All students, not just those interested in business or start-ups, 能够学习和采用创新和创业的心态, 给予他们将想法转化为行动的信心和知识.


No matter what career you choose, 拥有创新和创业的心态将是一个差异化因素和推动者.


Explore new relationships, build partnerships, 扩大你的知名度——三一创业就是与整个三一社区互动,帮助学生到达他们想去的地方.

Entrepreneurship at Trinity College

Entrepreneurship at Trinity is led by the Center for Entrepreneurship at Trinity College, 为有兴趣培养创新思维和学习企业家精神的学生提供资源和支持. It offers workshops, networking events, competitions, mentorship, and funding both on campus and at Trinity’s Innovation Hub in downtown Hartford. The center’s mission is to advance Trinity’s mission and goals 通过培养学生学习设计思维和解决问题等技能的环境, 通过实习和指导获得实际经验, and propel their Trinity Plus curriculum forward from their first day on campus.

校园创业中心是信誉最好的网投十大平台的补充 Innovation Hub 在康涅狄格州哈特福德市中心的宪法广场.

解决世界上最棘手的问题需要兼具批判性思考者和创造性实干家的人. 没有比将文科与现实世界的多样化结合起来的教育更好的准备了, immersive learning experiences. As the world becomes more complex around us, 信誉最好的网投十大平台正在为班塔姆斯创造新的有影响力的途径,推动新的创新和创业解决方案,以建立一个新的世界, more empathetic and purposeful world around us.

Danny Briere 信誉最好的网投十大平台创业中心执行主任



Tyree Innovation Fellowship

The Tyree Innovation Fellowship is for any student, regardless of major or interest, 谁相信创新的想法会推动他们未来的成功. 旨在快速启动学生的道路上的职业发现,并注入他们的文科教育意图, 对解决今天和明天的问题充满热情和真正的好奇心.



从第一年开始一直延续到毕业后, 学生可以参加一系列的课程,这些课程将创造性地解决问题和批判性思维融入到他们的教育框架中. 从特别活动到创新奖学金,再到俱乐部和海外学习项目, 学生获得真实世界的经验,同时培养技能,推动他们在学术和毕业后的职业生涯的成功.



Consistent with our forward-looking Trinity Plus curriculum, 哪一门课程大胆地将文科与课外课程结合起来, 体验式学习为学生的未来做准备, 创业中心与校园各院系合作,提供两种新的体验式证书——创新和创业.



The early stages of innovation are the most critical. 收集正确的资源来理解和专注于要解决的问题, and establishing a solid foundation of legal, intellectual property, accounting, and product for the ideas to be pursued, 是如此重要,而信誉最好的网投十大平台想要帮助学生建立他们的滩头堡,以此为基础,为他们今后的努力打下基础.  从小额赠款到最基本的活动,比如研究, surveys, and trademarking and domain registration, 为专利和原型工作提供更密集的预种子和种子资助, 信誉最好的网投十大平台在学生们将自己的想法发展成可行的解决方案的过程中给予支持.



On and off-campus events, pitch competitions, field trips, networking opportunities, and startup, manufacturing, 和其他创新/创业访问在三一创业学院的日程上很常见.

The Trinity Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

A strong community of students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni, sponsors, partners, and other enthusiasts.



One of our newest initiatives, INNOVATE, 创新创业生活学习社区, 一年级的住房项目能让学生们兴奋起来,激发他们的创造力吗, innovation, 以及在信誉最好的网投十大平台的创业冒险——让学生们参与团体活动, programming, field trips, networking events, 还有其他独一无二的机会来增进彼此的感情,提高他们的领导能力, creative problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. INNOVATE students learn through immersion and doing, 从而产生创新和创业的心态,影响他们的职业生涯和他们的余生.


Entrepreneurship Corps

创业中心成功的基础是不断壮大的信誉最好的网投十大平台校友网络,他们通过志愿服务来支持中心, mentoring students, providing internship opportunities, and committing financial support.

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